Abstract submission is now closed.
- Aesthetic
- Breast
- Education
- Lymphoedema
- Microsurgery
- Orthoplastic
- Paediatric
- Reconstructive – please use keywords to specify.
- Transgender
- Translational research
- Wound
- Nurse programme
- Abstracts must be in English. Good English will be one reviewing criteria.
- Your abstract title, in CAPITAL LETTERS, must not exceed 30 words and your abstract must not exceed 250 words. The title should be concise and descriptive of the work to be reported.
- Please underline the name of the presenter. Give the authors names: Surname, First Name(s) of each author. Indicate with number(s) the affiliation(s).
- The names of authors, names of hospitals, medical schools or clinics are not to be mentioned in the title or text of the abstract.
- Use Arabic numerals for all numbers except at the beginning of a sentence where they should be written out. Use standard abbreviations and symbols. Keep abbreviations to a minimum and define each one when it is used for the first time.
- Abstracts are not edited by the organisers and author corrections will NOT be accepted after final submission. Abstracts should therefore be checked carefully for accuracy prior to submission.
- You should indicate one topic from the list that best suits your paper. The topics are used by the Scientific Committee to place abstracts in the most appropriate sessions.
It is recommended that the text of the abstract should include:
- INTRODUCTION: A statement of the purpose of the study / project / relevance to the subject and description of activity (preferably in one sentence)
- METHODS. A brief description of the methods used.
- RESULTS. A summary of the results obtained / experiences gained in sufficient detail.
- CONCLUSIONS. Theoretical and/or practical implications
- Do not submit attachments, slides, or any reference materials with the abstract.
- Please do not give any figures or tables in the abstract.
The organisers reserve the right either to accept or reject an abstract and to choose a suitable session for each presentation.
Only one abstract per presenter will be accepted.
Notice of acceptance will be e-mailed to submitting authors by 12 April.
Abstracts without a paid registration fee will not be included in the congress programme.